157th Infantry Regiment Distinctive insignia, Second World War

Veterans Now and Then,
157th Infantry Regiment
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157th Infantry Regiment Distinctive insignia, Second World War

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These photos are intended as a rememberance and memorial to those who served in the 157th Infantry Regiment. Some of them were placed here by family members looking for information about thier loved ones wartime experiences. If you have any information that you can share or you would like to add someone to our photo-gallery please E-mail:
WWIIRA History Department.

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Sicily & Italy Photos
Felix and Mary Sparks
Felix Sparks 2001
Ralph Krieger and Felix Sparks
Capt. Kenneth Stemmons
S. France & Alsace Photos
Germany Photos
Charles R. Fox
Arthur Peters
Herman Norden
Harold Davis
Veterans Now and Then
Gerald J. Fuselle
Pvt. Barnes
Daniel Ford,  ? 157th Inf
Riley Hamilton, 157th Infantry
Veterans Now and Then,
157th Infantry Regiment

Micheal Lipka
Don Kelly
Capt. Morton Wyatt
LTC Richard Freygang
Gerald Hall Photos
(157th Infantry Regiment)

SSG Brian Curtis Rogers
1Lt. Earl Railsback, KIA France
Sgt. Glenmore Powers, KIA Germany
Lawrence Nierengarten, KIA France
Veterans Now and Then,
179th Infantry Regiment

Lester Willford, KIA Italy
Mathew Benya, KIA Germany
Ralph Lipps, KIA Italy
Robert Gordon, KIA France
Veterans Now and Then,
180th Infantry Regiment

Robert Pentacost, KIA France
Thomas Fiore, KIA Italy
Wendell Brown, KIA Italy
Leonard Brown, MG Co H.
Veterans Now and Then,
645th Tank Destroyers

Rex Graham
John Padgett
John Simmons Taylor
Rico Richtel
Veterans Now and Then, Division Artillery
3rd Battalion HQ
George Welgus,  Scalabrino, Meroslaw Melnick, Bernard Fleming

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