Sherman's Recollections and Diary
(click here for part
by Eric Rieth |
have been repeatedly told that I should write about my time in service, especially
during my P.O.W. days. Without the diary I kept, I would not be able to. There
are many entries I can no longer read because it was written on strips of cement
bag paper which was the only paper available. When we were in Italy, we didn't
even have toilet paper, nor did we have writing paper. Each
individual can give his or her version of an event which takes place in their
life; that is what this is all about. It is the way I saw the whole episode. Many
things may seem uneventful or of no consequence. My good friend George said, "Don't
leave anything out. Write everything that comes out of your notes." It was
George who gave me the final push to write. |
credit has to go to my wonderful wife Lynn; she copied word for word much of my
notes before we were married. Some of the notes were easier to read fifty years
ago. Both of our daughters, Rita and Sonjia, have encouraged me to write about
my experiences.
I have often
wondered if I could have somehow done something different to avoid capture. These
thoughts also contribute to my P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) When
you are a P.O.W. you are constantly aware that at any time someone can, without
provocation, execute you. As
a soldier you are taught to "make trouble" to the enemy in the event
you should fall into their hands. I did at every opportunity. There were many
times when other P.O.W.s were beaten or killed, so I am thankful to have survived.
During imprisonment in Italy, it was said that we only got approximately 500 calories
per day. I lost about forty pounds by the time I got to Germany. There we got
an occasional Red Cross food parcel, which made life more tolerable. Enlisted
men were sometimes able to go on work details and were rewarded with more food,
which I did. Since my discharge
from service, I have many times given thanks for a nice warm place to sleep. When
one is deprived of simple everyday things it is real easy to appreciate what we
have. Ray and Lynn Sherman September
1, 1998
began keeping a diary on day one of my military service. I started writing it
in a journal that someone had given me. My entries in this journal end when we
left the ship in Naples. I decided
to keep writing a diary as a P.O.W. for a number of reasons; ·
for something to do - it was really boring to just sit around picking lice and
thinking about food, · to prove I could - that I could out smart the
Germans and not get caught with it · to cause trouble - we were taught
that all good soldiers should cause trouble whenever they could. That's
why I kept trying to escape, too.
bulk of my POW diary was written on strips of paper I tore from a cement bag.
I could usually get and keep a pencil of some type, but finding paper was difficult.
After 50+ years the pencil marks have faded into the paper and the original red
marking on the cement bag, now pink with age, obscures it as well. Many pieces
are much worse than this example on the right. I
rolledd up the strips and hid them in various locations. As written in my diary,
I carved a place in the chess board. Cover closed around the chess board , holding
in the drawer that housed the pieces. Open as though in play. The board was glued
onto the cover at the bottom. I peeled the board off the cover and carved out
the wood so several rolled up strips of my diary would fit inside. Another
place where I concealed some of these strips was in the toe of my combat boots.
I used a razor blade to cut the inside of the toecap where I could fold them and
carefully tuck them in.
also wrote some on toilet paper . These are quite fragile and very hard to read
when double-sided. |
we got to Germany, we started receiving mail. I was able to write between the
lines or at the bottom of the censored letters . My German guards didn't read
English, so once they saw the censored mark on the front of the letters, they
didn't look further. Note that this was censored by both the US and German (red
oval) governments. Any information my family sent about my brother Edward, who
was also in the service, was always blacked out. I
remember that I put my original diary journal in my barracks bag which was left
on the ship when we disembarked at Naples, Italy. Where the barracks bag was during
my imprisonment, I don't know and don't exactly recall when its contents were
returned to me. Long after
the war, with the help of my (then future) wife, Lynn, I began transcribing my
diary. She would write as I tried to read and recall my experiences. Unfortunately,
the experience was too fresh and the task proved too difficult to do very much.
My papers sat for decades before I could try again. |
30, 1942
all began on November 30, 1942 when I enlisted in the mechanized cavalry! With
twelve or thirteen other fellows, I left Madison, Wisconsin and took my medical
exam in Milwaukee. We were shipped to Fort Sheridan, Illinois for more processing
and then on a troop train going west. My army pay started on December 14, 1942,
at $50 per month.
Phillips, Kansas December
7, 1942
must have arrived at Camp Phillips, Kansas on the seventh of December. We were
surely a bunch of perplexed people when we got off the train. The camp was so
new, there were no sidewalks, no trees, just a bunch of crude barracks out in
a cow pasture. By the end of December the place was being rapidly filled with
troops. I was assigned to
Company "L" of the 302nd Regiment, 94th Infantry Division. There were
only a handful of us for about two weeks, led by First Sergeant Smallwood, a man
from the South. Our duties were primarily to keep fires in each of the three stoves
in the six company barracks. They were all without insulation. If you had wet
shoe soles at night, they froze to the floor. We also built "duckboards"
to serve as sidewalks, had exercises and KP duties. After
Lt. John S. Lockwood became our C.O., things began to get organized. Some "acting"
squad leaders were appointed and were designated by a bit of white paper on their
23, 1942
was about this time, on December 23rd, that I was admitted to the station hospital
with catarrhal pharyangitis. The hospital was filled to capacity through December
to February. I hope I am never as ill as I was that week. I was released on the
29th to return to Barracks 760. Everyone had colds. Staff
Sergeant Frank Papp, in charge of the weapons platoon, had me wearing a hunk of
paper while we were drilling, but I didn't like it. I could see then that if orders
had to be given, I wouldn't be the type to give them. It
seemed that we got shots in the arm every time we turned around. I know some got
more than I did though, which numbered six plus one vaccination. Before
the end of December I discussed my status with our company commander, explaining
that I had enlisted in the Mechanized Cavalry and shouldn't be in an Infantry
Company. No action was taken; this was a verbal attempt.
12, 1943 I
submitted a letter to Major Henson at Fort Knox asking for information regarding
a transfer. Capt. James Cheek answered my letter. I answered his letter and stated
my qualifications. His next reply was very favorable, stating that my qualifications
met with the requirements as a student instructor in his department, but I would
have to apply through proper channels, which I did on February 7th in a letter
to my company commander, enclosing the Captain's letter. February
9, 1943 I was appointed
to Private First Class, an increase of $4 per month!! After
another plea to Capt. Cheek on April 27th, I abandoned hopes from him. The
period of training from January until April consisted of close order drill, calisthenics,
obstacle course, care and cleaning of equipment, map reading and basic tactics.
Due to the fact that all these buildings were simply 2 x 4's covered with 3/4
inch sheathing, it got very cold inside. At times my ink would be frozen until
noon. As I mentioned before, if your shoe soles were wet at night, they would
freeze to the floor in the morning. Cups were often frozen to the overturned plates
in the mess hall. Milk and orange juice or fruit was often frozen. During extremely
cold weather when we had classes inside, we would often go for a run round the
block during our break. Much candy was consumed during the cold months for additional
energy. At night shelter halves were put up around the bunks to help quell the
spread of colds. I found
it quite hard to accustom myself to all the southerners in our barracks. There
were two of us from Wisconsin, quite a few from the East and the rest from the
Southern states. When it
warmed up, the mud was everywhere, especially on the drill field when we tried
to do "to the rear march." We held several full dress parades and reviews
in the mud dressed in our best O.D.s. After you got just so much mud on your clothes,
it didn't matter anymore and you just passed it off as "one of those things."
We extended our hikes and
were frequently doing eight to ten miles. Often we would start out in the morning
wearing overcoats and wish we could take off our shirts in the afternoon. In mid
afternoon mud would stick to the shoe soles and you would get two or three inches
taller until you could stop and clean it off. The army has very little regard
for the elements. We got so we could sit in it, stand in it and even lay in it.
We always walked in it.
long and aching hours of "dry practice" we went on the firing range.
These proved to be long days. We would wait for daylight so we could see the targets
and begin firing. Under the steady coaching of Lt. Guy, twelve of us out of thirteen
made "expert" on the machine gun range (both moving and stationary targets).
I fired the Garand and made "sharpshooter." Some of us also qualified
with the 45 Caliber pistol. We were now becoming soldiers! Lt. Guy was mean and
tough. We took a thirty minute run every week, practice with bayonet, extended
order drill, map reading, use of compass, obstacle course, hand to hand
combat, chemical warfare, air and mechanized defense, hand grenades, sex hygiene,
articles of war, guard duty, films, charts, demonstrations, lectures and bull
sessions. I
was gunner, assistant gunner and ammo carrier on machine gun during these times.
We carried that cotton picking weapon everywhere, took it apart, cleaned it and
learned all its parts, dismantled it in the dark and reassembled it until it was
part of us. |
.30 Caliber Air Cooled Machine Gun
| We never
took a hike without it. If there was enough men for two squads, we took two machine
guns. The mortar section had their troubles too; they carried their mortars (stovepipes,
we called them). But they could sit on the reverse side of a hill while we double-timed
out in front under orders of Popovich and Martin, both corporals. We
would often fall out in the company street with the wrong uniform or equipment
three or four times in the morning due to orders being mixed up. Then it was back
into barracks until it became a joke and we didn't care if we kept it up all day.
We used to come in from a hike
or exercises and when we approached the company street we would all sing This
Is The Army Mr. Jones, Yellow Ribbon, Praise The Lord And Take Us Out Of Kansas
and Kansas Is A Hell Of A State, Parlez vous and also Roll Out The Barrel. Then
if we couldn't make more noise than the 3rd platoon, Sergeant Papp would blow
his top and say, "OK we'll have a singing lesson in the sixth barracks tonight."
March 31,
1943 Basic Training was
over and the much talked about things called "Furloughs" were next.
I was on the first group and left on an old Santa Fe bus at five AM on the 31st.
It took ages for the trip, both coming and going. The time at home was swell.
I gave my motorcycle, "Charlie," a good workout and was sorry to leave
again. I returned to Camp Phillips on April 9, 1943. April,
1943 We were in a new period
of training with Lt. Guy, the C.O. We went on longer hikes and stayed in the field
for a week at a time on exercises. I temporarily served as a Runner, both for
the weapons platoon and also "L" Company. I was somewhat independent
of the weapons platoon. We would carry lots of candy and sweets in our packs on
these hikes and bivouacs as much as possible. We often hiked fourteen miles back
to camp after a hard week. We dug millions of slit trenches and foxholes with
our little shovels. We would walk a few miles, stop, then the orders were shouted,
"dig in!" No sooner did we finish our hole, than it was, "Fill
them up. We are moving out!" On
Saturdays, we always had inspection of some kind, either "barracks or full
field." Certain layout of your equipment was necessarily displayed and if
it was not right, you were put on "report," with extra duties resulting.
Very seldom were we done before three PM.
May or June the barracks were skirted with boards from the ground up to floor
level. We also got hardwood floors and window screens. During the next three months
we encountered lots of dust and heat. One afternoon during a hike, you could hardly
see the men in front of you. Dust got into everything. Our barracks was located
next to the mess hall and when the wind didn't blow, we got dirty from soot. It
was S.O.P. to mop the floor every day except Sunday. Sgt.
Papp was busted and did thirty days in the guardhouse for insubordination. Lt.
Travis was C.O. for a time after Lt. Guy left, then Capt. Rigdon, then Lt. Morgan.
First Sgt. Smallwood was replaced by a fat guy from Pennsylvania by the name of
John Stracelsky. The Lt.'s couldn't pronounce his name so they called him Sgt.
John. It was during this
month that a captain from the Inspector General's office was in camp to interview
E.M. I again put in a request for a transfer. Lt. Morgan also "interviewed"
all who had visited the Captain. After insulting words were exchanged, I still
wasn't sorry for my actions. I was sent to the Classification Headquarters with
my records. After waiting until the last of July, I also gave up hope of a transfer
to the 94th Recon. Troop.
- July, 1943 We
spent some miserably hot weather in the field during this month. It was in June
or July we turned in our folding cots for wooden bunks with springs! We were going
on Battalion and Regimental operations. Twenty-five mile hikes were quite common.
Often we would start at midnight and hike with full field equipment. You would
be wet all over from perspiration. Several of the weaker ones would drop out from
fatigue. Many tramped doggedly on until they passed out. Officers began to complain
to the medics after some higher up officials got the bright idea of a higher physical
standard. They found that the training was tearing down, more than building up.
We often sat around in our
underwear while writing letters or studying in the evening. It was miserably hot
during the day and half the night. I attended church on base every Sunday and
was a member of the regimental chorus. We were invited to Salina several times
and sang over radio station KSAL once. The people of Salina often would invite
us to their homes for dinner. We were finished with RCT's and taking part in Division
Corps maneuvers. During these times, I was company runner and sometimes Battalion
runner. Sometimes when the weather was cooler, we would spend the night in the
field with only a raincoat to cover up with. One particular night I would awaken
from the cold and dig my slit trench deeper to stay warm. By morning it was hip
deep. We practiced knocking
out pillboxes under real artillery and infantry fire. We crawled undergrazing
machine gun fire on the infiltration course. On several occasions when our canteen
of water was gone, we would scoop up some from a puddle and put iodine or halizone
tablets in it to kill the "bugs." This was a practice that was not authorized
and several penalties were meted out if caught. |
1943 I took a GI driver's
test and got my license the first of August. I qualified for jeep, 3/4 ton and
2 ½ ton trucks. After Lt. Morgan's statement, "Where in hell did you
get your license," I declined the offer to drive for him and was on his "shit
list" after that. Transfer
fell through also. We packed our barracks bags, winter issues in "B"
and the rest of our stuff in "A" bags. We waited all forenoon outside
the barracks on August 1st to be shipped. At about 1:30 we shouldered our weapons,
with full field packs plus "A" bags and got on the troop train. We
left Kansas at about 2:00 PM, went through some of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee,
Kentucky, and back to Tennessee. We got off the train at 4:00 AM on September
4th in the rain.
1943 thru November 2, 1943 |
1943 We
boarded trucks, formed a convoy and went to our camp; a cow pasture! Pup tents
were erected with two men per tent. The next day the rain stopped and we dumped
our "A" bags out to dry as best we could. I
was assigned to Service Company as an assistant driver on a 2 ½ ton 6 x
6 truck. I was with Private Frank Mitchell, the driver for "L" company's
kitchen. Frank and I took turns driving and taking trips to town. We hauled dishes,
beds, rations, pots, stoves, water, and most anything. I was now the envy of everyone.
I had a warm, dry place, got to town and was seldom hungry. I took baths more
often than the boys did in the rest of the company. As a whole, my job was soft,
but quite dangerous as we were on the road during night maneuvers without lights,
with just little green slits. You had to be awfully close to the vehicle in front
of you so you didn't get lost. We had numerous close calls. I would have changed
jobs only to be a motorcycle driver. Even the company commander would like to
have had my job. September went fast. We moved often and drove one thousand miles
this month. October
1, 1943 My
position as assistant driver ended today when I found myself on a list with 39
others slated for overseas duty. Someone
threw a blank cartridge into the fire this evening. Nobody would admit to it,
so Lt. Morgan said we would all have to stand around the fire at attention until
someone confessed. We stood, under guard, from 9:00 PM until 10:00 AM, when we
cut cards and an innocent person took the rap. We all expressed our love for Lt.
Morgan! We boarded a troop
convoy and proceeded to Camp Forrest, arriving at about 1:00 PM and pitched shelter
halves in an old six-man tent area. We ate dinner of K-rations at about 4:00 PM.
I was on KP.
Forrest, Tennessee October
3,1943 I
am dubious as to our future; 1700 men from the 94th Division; it seems that lots
of them were ex-non coms and were shanghaied. Period of processing again, checked
clothing, turned in web equipment, gas mask and barrack bag.
5, 1943 I got a tetanus
shot and a physical exam today, right along with the rookies, also the usual "short
arm" inspection and prostate exam. It is pretty cold sleeping on the ground
with only two blankets. There are lots of rumors about when and where we are going
I wish to recall the different
places I have slept since becoming a GI. I have slept in slit trenches with just
an overcoat, Camp Phillips, on the shoulder of a road during a fifteen minute
break, in a pup tent with one and two blankets, on top of grass or dirt or mud,
in snow with overcoat, on truck canvas between bows, in Tennessee, in canvas covered
trailer, under low branches of a cedar tree with one blanket, on a flat rock i
n the daytime with field jacket for a pillow, under a 2 ½ ton truck with
one blanket, on the hood of a 2 ½ ton truck with one blanket (too small),
slept leaning against a tree on October 1st, in a barn with no blankets, sitting
in a truck cab, in the back of a 2 ½ ton truck on a steel floor with two
blankets and a heavy canvas cover, on a Post Office porch, cement floor with no
blanket (in the rain), near an open fire with only a field jacket, in the rear
of a truck on top of "A" bags. Also during lots of night problems in
Kansas with no jacket or blankets, just a GI raincoat. At one time I wouldn't
have considered laying a nice army blanket in the mud, dust or snow. Now it is
S.O.P. October
7, 1943 I wore woolen drawers,
sun tans, fatigues, field jacket, shoes, two blankets, raincoat in a pup tent
and still almost froze last night. Got new dog tags and some new clothes today.
Orders came down to get rid of all extra clothing. Lots of it was burned. Some
guys slipped past the guards and shipped things home. Still no mail. We leave
troop train October
8, 1943 Haven't
slept in a bed since September 3rd on a Pullman car and here I am again in an
upper berth on a troop train. We left this morning at 9:30, going through the
Cumberland Mountain region. Went through Chattanooga, Knoxville and a corner of
Alabama, I think. I'm in a car with "K" company. Lots of Jewish (independent
fellows.) I slept real warm with two blankets and a raincoat. Seems queer to be
in bed by 8:30.
9,1943 Wow, did I sleep!
There must be something wrong, they let us sleep until 6:30 this morning. They
also gave us ice cream and cookies yesterday afternoon. We went through Charleston.
A favorite question of the "dogfaces" is what state is this? I have
yet to see any of those smiling USO gals passing out candy and cigarettes when
a troop train comes through a town. In Alexandria, two little kids about six and
ten, gave away some old but welcome magazines. Sometimes some colored boys come
down and sell nickel candy bars for ten cents each. We saw the capitol and Washington
Monument after crossing the Potomac River. Fort
Meade, Maryland
10, 1943 Arrived at Fort
Meade, Maryland. This is great; good food, hot showers and beds! We got here about
11:30 AM. Today is Sunday, but one would not have known it. I got a typhus shot
and another physical. We also had a clothing inspection. It's now 9:15 PM and
I will hit the hay. Wish the mail would come.
11, 1943 A
very uneventful day. I drew out some used equipment and went on a three mile hike
this PM. I walked about two miles to a theatre. Sweet Rosie O' Grady was showing.
Still no mail. October
12, 1943 We had a First
Aid and gas lecture this morning. I drew out some new clothes and equipment this
PM. The shoes are a greenish-buckskin color, with the smooth side inside. Also
got two new barracks bags, gas mask, dark colored towel and underwear, OD handkerchiefs,
good raincoat and overcoat. All good stuff. October
13, 1943
Sure appreciate
being able to sleep in a bed. I got a GI haircut and want to have it clipped just
before I leave, if it is not too soon. We are going over basic tactics, bayonet,
close order, cover and concealment, map reading, compass, etc. Passes are available
from retreat until midnight, I guess. I bought three rolls of film, 127, and want
to take them along. No mail yet.
14, 1943 Class
on censorship today. No diaries allowed over seas. We have some real rookies for
officers. They know they will not go with us and try to be real tough. A Lt. Arden
Darden is obviously green and gets left and right confused, resulting in some
real "screw-ups" Classes in the disassembly of the M-1, bayonet practice,
close order and rifle exercises were held. Went to show "Corvette".
We had to put up cubicles between bunks. Still no mail. Some got mail direct from
home in near by states. No forwarded mail though.
15, 1943 Close order drill
today. Also typhus shots again. Applied for and got a three day pass starting
at 6:00 AM tomorrow! October
16, 1943 Went
to Washington, D.C. on my pass. Met a nice WAVE in the Archives building. We visited
points of interest together, had supper and went to the stage show I Dood It with
Virginia O'Brien. After searching in vain for a hotel or other room, I went to
"Tent City," operated by and for Army with free coffee and doughnuts
for breakfast. October
17, 1943 I visited the
Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, etc., today. I dated
Y 3/c Francis Bowen this evening. We went to a church program, then to a show
and lunch. I slept at the USO tonight.
18, 1943 I saw the house
where Lincoln died, the Ford Theatre, visited the Capitol and saw the Senate in
session. I went to a show, Bombers Moon, also to the Stage Door Canteen and saw
the Virginia OBrien stage show again. I had lunch and caught the 2:15 bus back
to Fort Meade. October
19, 1943 Today we were
on the obstacle course. This morning I was awakened by two green Lieutenants because
all cubicles were not put up properly. Got eleven letters and a package from Dot
containing a neat little picture holder. Haven't gotten all the mail from Tennessee
yet. October
20, 1943 I was on KP today,
washing dishes and pans continuously most all day. Got a package from Sis and
one from home containing a hunting knife. Expected to be awakened again tonight
on the cubicle deal. October
21, 1943 Well,
well, we went on a night problem from eight to twelve. That gets my goat. These
Lieutenants think we are learning something. I have been on more night problems
than they have been on day problems. We pitched tents, got to sleep and were awakened
by a real gas attack. I went back to sleep wearing my gas mask. We were back to
barracks by 12:30 and get tomorrow free!! We used to hike all night in Kansas
and not get any time off the next day. This is boring. October
22, 1943 Gas
drill again today in the PM while on a hike. I got seven letters today and went
to a show in the evening. One letter was from Pat, a gal I had dated in Washington.
23, 1943 I got a pass for
tonight until tomorrow to 2400 hours. October
24, 1943
into Washington at about 8:30 and bought a pair of goggles for Ed for $3.95. Also
bought a hunting knife for $10.95. The other guys will come back from "Boom
Town" with a hangover and I will have a knife tomorrow. Visited a swell USO
on North Street. I burned my name on the knife sheath with a wood burning pencil.
They have many nice hobby facilities there. I
slept in some guy's bed in the Salvation Army USO. I got chased out of the first
one. Went to bed about 3:00 AM. I didn't like to see all those empty beds going
to waste. The two Marines that were with me got cold feet after being chased out
the first time. I went to the Stage Door Canteen, then to a dance in a Catholic
Church parlor and then to a stage show. Called Francis Bowen, but was unable to
keep a date. I came back to Laurel, as per last night. The bus was full and I
had to stand for the entire trip. I got here for supper. Walked
about two miles with Private Tweet to theatre #4 to see the show, but the theatre
was full so I walked back via "Boom Town." The latest rumor has us moving
about October 28th. October
25, 1943
got more equipment and packed bags in the PM. Included were two blankets, one
OD colored fatigue outfit, eight pair of OD socks, one OD bath towel, one pair
of shoes, all to go into a pack or "A" bag. The "B" bag has
three sun tans, one pair of shoes, mosquito nets, one blanket, one mattress cover
and other stuff. Our "B" bags are to be retrieved at the destination.
I received partial payment of $15. We drilled in rain all morning. October
26, 1943
rained all day. I was assigned as table waiter, not a bad job. I turned in both
bags and was checked again. We had classes in the barracks. All the new equipment
is stuff I wear when we leave. I wrote a couple of letters. Things seem to disappear
awfully easy here. So far I have lost a helmet liner, a rifle sharpshooter pin
and an OD garrison cap.
Patrick Henry November,
is not clear how we got to Camp Patrick Henry from Fort Meade. November
2, 1943
left Camp Patrick Henry, Rhodes, Virginia, on a troop train at about 9AM, receiving
two sandwiches and an apple as we got on. At about 12:00 or 1:00, we were broken
up into proper lengths and sided into the loading docks alongside the ship. While
we sat on the docks with our "A" bags, two "Grey Ladies" passed
out hot chocolate and coffee. As the first of our group started boarding the ship,
a band about one hundred yards away started playing We're Going Over and various
other numbers. The line passed a desk where you answered roll call with your first
name and then went up the gangplank on the Liberty Ship SS John Stevens. We
were ushered into hold #2 by a Lieutenant and assigned bunks, which were canvas
on a pipe frame. Mine is a top one of five, only one tier on my right and innumerable
tiers to the left, head and foot. The fourth from the floor comes up to my head.
I also have a light at the foot and to the right of me. The workers were not through
securing the deck cargo, so we slept in the bay in between.
News, Virginia |
and Newport News November
3, 1943
spent the day at anchor, watching the gulls and numerous craft assembling. Two
meals a day are served on board ship. We left harbor late tonight
board troop ship, SS John Stevens November
4, 1943
sea. Nope I don't like it! November
5, 1943
had to force both meals down today. November
6, 1943
as yesterday. I am still seasick! Today I was on KP duty. November
7, 1943
had Catholic services today, but no Protestant service. I was in the mood for
supper and actually liked it. November
8, 1943
tried some tactics on breakfast, but had to force it down. I didn't go to supper
at all. The sea is very rough. November
9, 1943
same sea today. I took a capsule last night and slept pretty well. It was hard
to stay in my bunk. There is lots of vomit all around, I ate two slices of white
bread for dinner and begged one from a pal for supper. It is very rough tonight.
10, 1943
dreamed I was in Uncle Daves (Patchin) eating a stack of wheat cakes with honey
and butter and a soft fried egg. Later I was at home, eating a steak sandwich
with lettuce and tomatoes, with salad dressing. This was a very vivid picture!
I tried to carry over my enthusiasm for food until breakfast, but got only to
the steps and "cashed in my cookies" in my canteen cup. The breakfast
menu was coffee, dry cream of wheat, two slices of white bread, butter, jam and
dehydrated eggs. Few went and fewer ate. I stayed topside until about 10:00 when
a corporal grabbed me and others for officer's latrine detail. I worked about
five minutes and then went to the doctor. He gave me two capsules for motion sickness
to be taken morning and night. I made for my bunk, but vomited some greenish fluid
in my cup before I got there. After taking one of the capsules, I slept. I didn't
go for supper, but got a slice of bread from the fellow in the bunk below me and
forced a square of tropical chocolate and water down.We were called out for boat
drill just before dark. I got two K-rations while up there. It is rough when the
ship goes down in a trough, You can't even see the other ships in the convoy.
It is raining tonight.
11, 1943
this is more like it. The sea is quite calm today. At times I can see other ships
in the distance. It's getting rough again tonight. I ate most of a K-ration this
morning and a whole C-ration tonight. I feel much better. Several cases of rations
are taken from the storeroom every night. It is very common to see eight or ten
men standing around in a group and when the case is opened, they pounce on it
like hungry wolves. They emerge with two or three or an armful of cans. At length
one or two stragglers find their footing, stand up, and stagger away, beaten but
wiser. Their tactics on the next box bring amazing results. It is said that even
the officers play the same game. I'm not worrying about the chow line anymore.
What I eat usually comes back up. I am in need of a shave and a bath, as are the
others. The hold is unbelievably dirty and foul smelling. I'm only the fourth
bunk from an air vent, so that helps. November
12, 1943
sea got rough again. I ate four "biscuits" from C-rations. I was topside
for about fifteen minutes. Sea is very choppy and windy. I don't feel too well!
13, 1943
choppy and rough. I ate breakfast and dinner and some K-rations. Feel better tonight.
We got instructions to keep a full canteen of water at all times. Had boat drill.
14, 1943
shaved a week old beard today. It is quite windy again. I got partial payment
of $10. Card and crap games were interrupted long enough to hold a simple mass
for the Catholics, but no service for Protestants. Ate K-rations for breakfast
and C-rations for supper. Most
everyone has his normal stomach back again. The sea is quite smooth. Along with
pay, we received a carton of cigarettes and a Baby Ruth candy bar from the Red
Cross. I sold the cigarettes for thirty cents and was offered twenty-five cents
for the candy bar. It's 1:00 AM and few have gone to bed. November
15, 1943
is quite nice today. They chased us out on deck at 8:30 AM so that filthy place
could be cleaned up some. It is filthy. The center of the hold is covered with
heavy canvas, which is slippery with grease and grime. This area is often filled
with crapshooters and really presents a problem to go below. Ate C and K-rations
and went through the chow line tonight. I had ½ a yellow pill, two slices
of "pilot bread," stale butter, jam spaghetti and hot cocoa. I didn't
even drink all the cocoa; K-rations are better. I still crave fresh fruit of any
kind, or lettuce or tomato. The crew gets fresh fruit, but not us. I feel pretty
good, even on the equivalent of two meals a day. The sea is smoother now.
16, 1943
K and C-rations. Don't go through the chow line, which is inferior to rations.
I was "acting Corporal of the Guard" at 4:00 to 6:00, 10:00 to 12:00
and 4:00 to 6:00. They fired the 20-mm guns today for practice. I got one empty
case. The sea is smooth and it is really a beautiful night, moon, etc. It is also
very good for subs too. The convoy zigzags quite a bit to avoid being a good target.
17, 1943
no sign of land. Ate up the K and C-rations and now must try to replenish them.
It is darker than the inside of a black cow out tonight. I saw several phosphorescent
areas of plankton or something in the water along side the ship. November
18, 1943
were aroused at the usual 8:00 AM and chased out on deck so that the stinking
hold could be cleaned. Body odors are strong after about three weeks without a
bath. Had boat drill today. It is real dark tonight. I ate rations again today.
19, 1943
sea was really rough again today. The ship rolled over on its side farther at
times than ever before. Tin cans were falling, guys were hollering and sliding
around, canteen cups, forks, spoons and helmet liners were falling and at times
you had to hang on to keep from falling out of your bunk. I did my usual reading
out of the New Testament. Still no land in sight. I removed my shoes to sleep
last night. November
20, 1943
think we encountered an enemy sub at about 5:30 PM. I was forward and saw a destroyer
on the left front drop a depth charge about three-quarters of a mile from us.
It sent a blinker signal and circled the spot for some time. Nothing was officially
confirmed. I think we passed
the Rock of Gibraltar at 8:30 to 9:00 PM. There were a couple of lights visible
to the North at this time. Ate rations and was down in the hold looking for K-rations.
The sea is very still. I got my hair all clipped off tonight. I ate part of an
onion, which I got from Pvt. Verville. It was sure good. Land!
November 21, 1943
Africa! I saw it at 6:00 AM, but the sun wasn't up and there was room for debate
as to whether it was mountains or clouds. It is 12:00 now and you can see it both
on port and starboard sides. We are apparently nearing the "Rock", although
I can't see it. I must have been wrong about last night. After twenty days of
water, all one can do is gaze out over the tree covered bluffs and say, "It's
beautiful." Yeah, we passed the "Rock" tonight. I saw a whole school
of porpoises. Ate rations again today and read daily gospel as usual. November
22, 1943
in harbor tonight. Supposed to get off tomorrow. Very interesting, they even have
electric lights. What will tomorrow bring? November
23, 1943
moved in and tied up. Most interesting to a kid from the Midwest of the USA. I
now realize how fortunate we were to reach port without misfortune. Evidence of
the conflict in which we are engaged is visible on many ships here. Gaping holes
where torpedoes have hit, a half a ship and a partially burned tanker. Had
cornflakes for breakfast, went through chow line. C-rations again for supper.
I wish I had some fishing equipment. An old guy sat out here in a rowboat on our
starboard, catching little chubs all forenoon. The sailors got shore leave this
AM. I was among the many that swiped onions and potatoes last night. I stored
a couple in my barracks bag along with other rations.
Algeria November
24, 1943
was sure impressive coming into harbor. We raided rations and got off the SS John
Stevens. By the time we got on trucks, it was dark. Everything I could see was
very interesting. November
25, 1943
slept in squad tents at the foot of Lion Mountains. Our bunks are of rope slung
between 2 x 4's. Woke up with rope marks all over my body. It's OK. I'm just glad
to be on solid ground. It's sure a swell view of the mountain. We had the most
beautiful dinner: turkey, dressing, boiled hearts, sweet potatoes, a salad of
cheese and pineapple, pickles, peas, cranberry sauce, bread, pumpkin pie, nuts,
candy and coffee. I went to a free show "Bataan" on the side of a hill.
They have only one projector, so it takes quite sometime. I took an "open
air shower" and nearly froze. We are sleeping on straw filled mattress covers.
26, 1943
some natives wearing a draw string barracks bag with two holes cut in the bottom
for feet to go through. Can get a pass to town. It is quite interesting to see
the veiled women and "wrap around dresses." You can buy local produce
right on the street. Lots of carts pulled by donkeys and kids begging for chewing
gum. Sanitation is a problem in town. Open gutters are sometimes seen with all
manner of crap and garbage. November
27, 1943
got our "B" bags and turned in some clothing. I saw a white woman. She
must have been from the Red Cross. I went to the show Thank Your Lucky Stars.
28, 1943
Protestant services at 9:15 and answered the "invitation hymn". We got
gold seal currency for the money we turned in on the ship. The Red Cross sold
3/4 of a canteen cup of ice cream for two francs, which was delicious. Went to
the show Stormy Weather. Heard jackals yipping again tonight. I did my washing
in my helmet. They started processing; I am a messenger. Went to a show again
tonight; Crazy Horse. We have swell meals.
30, 1943
was just a year ago when I enlisted at Madison, Wisconsin. Got tickets for PX
rations. Went to the show White Savage. Stopped at the Red Cross building, but
it was packed with a show going on. |
1, 1943
are restricted or in quarantine yet. It rained or was cold and foggy most of the
day. The summit of the mountain was hidden by clouds quite a lot of the day. I
waited in PX line for about twenty-five minutes and bought 2 cigars, 9 cigarettes,
2 bars of soap, 1 roll of candy wafers, 1 life saver, a box of hard candy squares,
1 five cent bar, 3 razor blades and one bottle of ink, all for $1.03 - my rations
for a week. I was changed to the first platoon of "B" Company yesterday.
I have been in Companies A, B, C, D, L and R so far. Went to the show Andy Hardy's
Double Life. Went to the Red Cross early in the evening and got ice cream in my
canteen cup for two francs. December
2, 1943
were on formal guard mount at 11:00 AM. I was Corporal of First Relief, twenty
men. Went down to the villa to inspect the guard in the afternoon. Nice buildings,
but dirty with goats, chickens, sheep and kids all in the same rooms. One guard
is posted in front of the courtyard entrance and other walks along side. The purpose
was to keep soldiers out of the villa. I gave some Italian prisoners candy and
cigarettes. Slept in the guard tent tonight. December
3, 1943
a new guard and through Sgt. Martin, he and Santilli, Reed and I got a pass from
1300 hours to 2200 hours. We headed for St. Cloud and walked all six miles. We
wandered around; it was very interesting. I took a couple of pictures. Lots of
bullet holes. Bought oranges and tangerines at about forty-eight cents per dozen.
Trading is better than cash. I traded an old fountain pen, which I had saved for
that purpose, for eight tangerines. Cigarettes
are also very good for trading. We had lots of fun trying to understand French
and Spanish. I saw lots of people at a public water hydrant filling jars, pitchers
and other containers. Saw several foreign motorcycles. I was surprised to see
the size of the motors in French cars, which go by like a "bat out of hell"
when you hitchhike. Ate supper of soup, some kind of cornmeal, etc., two eggs,
sunny side up, sausage, highly seasoned, bread comes in fifteen-inch loaves, quart
of wine, tangerine and spaghetti. Cost 60 francs. The
Market Square was being filled with wares. It would be interesting to visit it
on Saturday when everything is in full swing. I saw a funeral procession, led
by a red robed priest and altar boys, a horse drawn coffin with flowers and canopy.
Four men carrying a sheet with a cross preceded the coffin. Mourners followed
on foot. We removed our headgear when it passed by. Very
few American soldiers here. The French use almost all U. S. equipment such as
jeeps, cycles, staff cars, etc. I might add that they act very unappreciative
too! We started back to
camp at 7:15 and helped two Arabs push their cart of wood up a hill and made a
little over six miles in an hour and five minutes.
4, 1943
am the only one in "D" company and the only "L" company replacement
that I know of that is on shipping alert. I didn't have to fall out with the rest
of the company this morning. Had Spam and eggs, cream of wheat, bread and civilized
coffee for breakfast. Participated in tent and personal inspection, then went
to show Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man. December
5, 1943
I was to pack my barracks bag and be at the supply room at 3:00 PM. When I returned
from church, someone had already packed it. I waited until a checkup disclosed
it to be an Armored Force man, Leonard L. Sherman, instead of me. I thought for
a while that my prayers were going to be answered. For nine months, back in the
States, I prayed every night that I might get an army cycle to ride, but with
all that and the physical efforts, I am still in the Infantry. I went to an evening
Protestant service and then to the show Star Spangled Rhythm. December
6, 1943
shipment went out. I fell out for drill and hiked ten miles in the forenoon. Took
a shower and did some laundry. December
7, 1943
tent got passes at 8:00 AM. We walked about a mile and got a ride into town. I
traded cigarettes for three oranges. I think I got gypped. Ate at the Red Cross:
Spam sandwich, doughnuts, coffee, and ice cream for five francs, Registered in
State Log Book and saw one name from Evansville (Woodstock.) Bought a French language
manual and had a Frenchman help with interpretation. It's quite difficult to get
the sounds of vowels, etc., but I hope to get a basic idea of the language. Went
into the projection booth of the American Red Cross theatre. They have two American
super simplex machines operated by a Frenchman. We met a couple of "D"
Company cadremen and got a ride in a truck back to camp by 10:00 PM. December
8, 1943
lost or can't locate my pearl handled pocketknife with the little scissors; missed
it this morning. There sure are lots of motorcycles in town. While looking down
from the balcony of the Red Cross building, I saw lots of interesting sights below;
an open wagon with butchered beef, sheep hides, heads and hooves all together.
The one end of the beef dragged on the street when they unloaded it. Kids stood
below us and begged gum, candy and cigarettes when we dropped them. Veiled women
with baskets of oranges, wine or bread carried on their heads had as much right
of way as carts or vehicles in the narrow streets. I pinched myself to see if
I wasn't watching a circus. I
tried to increase my allotment (bond), but can't until I get assigned to a permanent
December 9, 1943
had a night hike up the mountain for four hours.
10, 1943
went on the firing range this morning; fifty yards just for practice. It rained
quite a bit last night and the clouds were so low over the range at one time,
you could hardly see the targets. I fired twenty-nine shots with the M-1. Got
a partial payment of $10. Woke up this morning with the GI's. It must have been
something I ate. I got PX rations; 8 cigarettes, 3 cigars, 1 soap, 2 razor blades,
one candy bar, a Tootsie Roll and two rolls of candy wafers for $0.95. Drew the
fourth blanket and went to the show Henry Aldrich.
11, 1943 We
had close order drill, calisthenics and a ten-mile hike this morning. You would
think we were a bunch of rookies! We had chicken for dinner, grapefruit juice
to drink. We have had quite a lot of tomatoes, pineapple, grapefruit and lemon
juice to drink. Have lots of Spam too. I had a small piece of fried chicken for
supper and went to a show. December
12, 1943 Went to 10:00
Protestant Services. It is cold and rainy. I got the most beautiful box of Fanny
May candy from Natalie; was two pounds, however, still no letter. I went back
to the mailroom and there was a letter from her with a Virgin Mary medal inside,
also a Christmas card with a note. I usually get a piece of mail almost daily.
Much more than lots of other fellows get. I write more than they do too! The weather
is very miserable. We can't have fires in our tents to dry things either. We went
on a fifteen-mile hike in the rain and all my shoes are wet. December
the guys in our tent went on pass in the rain except me. I was Company Runner
again. I went to Battalion Headquarters to see about getting a job typing. I got
it. I'm working at depot headquarters. Wednesday it cleared up and the sun came
out. I worked on payroll and did some filing etc. December
on payroll. Got a box of stationary from Aunt Mary Sellick. I got PX rations after
standing in line for nearly two hours. December
18, 1943
payroll as usual. December
19, 1943
worked from 9:00 to 10:00, went to church services and then typed until noon.
Went to evening services and then to a movie.
21, 1943
a French class in the Battalion recreation hall in the evening while the Company
went on a hike up the mountain. December
24, 1943
I returned from personnel this noon, a B-25 flew over the area quite low. I went
outside the tent when I heard a dull puff and the engine stopped. Through the
clouds, I could see the flames and smoke where he hit. Rain and low clouds obscured
the mountain until about five minutes after the accident, it cleared up.
25, 1943
had turkey and all the trimmings for Christmas dinner. I went to midnight Mass
with Elmer Buynak. The Company fell out for a hike, as usual, before dinner. I
went to the barber and had a haircut for twenty cents. We went on shipping alert
this PM. December
26, 1943
went to church and then to the Personnel Office. I was to have an interview with
a Major to see about cavalry. It did not materialize. December
27, 1943
on truck in the PM, boarded Dutch ship and cast off on December 28th
board the Dutch ship in the Mediterranean Sea December
29, 1943
is quite calm and the ship rides nice and smooth, but I guess I am allergic to
water. I'm not hungry. It is a good thing because the food seems terribly scarce
or perhaps the English eat like this all the time? There are twenty men at our
table. I have been put in charge of it. I appoint two men to go to "mess"
to bring the food for every meal. We had a real tiny hunk of rose fish, about
the equivalent of two slices of bacon and two oblong crackers, terribly hard,
for breakfast. Dinner was
two golf ball size potatoes with the skins on, a tablespoon of boiled liver, some
kind of bread pudding, a slice of frozen corned beef ½ x 3 x 4, a tablespoon
of stewed carrots and peas, (I still think they were soy beans) coffee and a hunk
of bread the size of two slices and a square of butter. The ship's canteen sold
canned peaches for $1.60 and a tin of sardines for forty cents; Australian peaches
and American sardines. Our hold is about the size of the one on the SS John Ericsson;
about 340 men in it and lots of roaches. In one corner near the ceiling is a colony
of roaches the size of the circumference of a bushel basket! We sleep in real
hammocks, which we put up over the tables. We are also carrying Italian officers,
who travel first class with white table clothes, rugs, nice chairs, etc. I doubt
if they even have to contend with all the cockroaches! Our
crew are apparently natives of the Dutch East Indies. They are definitely queer
looking ducks. They all appear to be lacking some kind of vitamins or are undernourished
or something. They are all dark skinned with dark hair and eyes. All carry some
kind of knife. We have all kinds of uniforms or persons unimaginable on board.
We are flying a barrage balloon for added dive-bomber protection.
thru February 20, 1944 |
at Naples, Italy January
1, 1944
at Naples, Italy and disembarked on the side of a bombed out ship lying on its
side; it had been gutted by fire. The ruins still cluttered the streets and alleys
of the city. Had the same greeting of beggars and people trying to sell their
We rode on one of
Mussolini's streamlined electric trains through a tunnel to the outskirts of the
city. Then we walked a couple of miles to a staging depot, which is quite similar
to the last one in Africa we left from Oran, Algeria.
is excellent. Italians slip past the guards and wait by the garbage cans to get
any scraps of food and coffee thrown out by the Americans. They come with some
kind of pail or other container for that purpose. January
3, 1944
were at some kind of Athletic Field watching a local swing band this evening when
the music was interrupted by anti-aircraft firing and tracer bullets shooting
skyward, accompanied by an air-raid siren. We sure cleared the grandstands quickly
and dispersed around the track seeking cover. The alert lasted about twenty minutes
and all was forgotten. Was able to send a cable or telegram back home for sixty-three
cents. January
4, 1944
were moved by Italian boxcar to a staging area, then by truck about forty miles
to a Rpl battalion, where we were housed in six man tents with straw on the floor
to sleep on. This was once a large dairy farm, but the buildings were somewhat
in ruins. One barn has six hundred cows in it. Italians work it and they gather
around our garbage cans to collect food scraps. When all the seconds are given
out, the mess personnel set out the pans and they are cleaned out quickly by locals
of all ages. January
7, 1944
volunteered for parachute training. The set up is like the Rangers and Commandos
and Ski Paratroops, all combined. Took a hot shower in one of the barns today.
9, 1944
shipped out this morning via trucks. We crossed quite a few new engineer bridges
where the old ones were blown up. We arrived at the 179th Infantry Regiment bivouac
where I was assigned to Company K, of the 45th Division. They have been on line
for some time, but are now back here about forty miles from the action. I am assigned
to the machine-gun section of the weapons platoon. It sure is cold at night. I
still have four blankets, but the cold comes right through.
16, 1944
about four miles to the rear to see Joe E. Brown in person. All bridges have been
blown up. Caught rides back to camp. We have dug holes and slit trenches for our
own protection and safety. These were to be our homes for several days. You get
your food from the mess tent, then return to your hole to eat and sleep. One of
the foxholes I made was deep enough to crouch and sit in with a shelter half over
the top to keep snow, wind or rain off. It had a degree of comfort.
at Anzio, Italy, beachhead after the invasion January
24, 1944
on the 24th our weapons section boarded the L.S.T. #125 and proceeded up the coast
to land at Anzio. While enroute on this craft, I was thrown against some part
of the ship, suffering a contusion on my right hip. This caused a bruise and swelling,
which was painful for several years. We were greeted by the German Luftwaffe.
All the larger ships, which were in the harbor, had barrage balloons or small
dirigibles flying overhead. The enemy made numerous attempts to inflict damage.
Our planes usually drove them off, sometimes with dog fights with losses to both
invasion at Anzio took place on the 22nd of January 1944. Records indicate that
American casualties were 23,865. British casualties were 9,203. We disembarked
and made our way through the city to the North. The machine gun section, which
I was in, set up and covered various crossroads and routes of infiltration. We
were spread out along a dry canal not far from the "pickle factory"
when the Germans made a big push on the fifteenth and sixteenth of February. Captured
at Anzio, Italy February
16, 1944
Germans occupied the higher ground, where they could cover every foot of the beach
area with all kinds of weapons. They had railroad mounted guns which fired five
hundred fifty-pound shells as much as twenty miles. They also used six-barrel
mortars, which would encircle an area and completely cover us with devastating
shrapnel. During
one particularly heavy concentration, I was lying near another soldier who had
an entrenching shovel lying nearby. I hollered and told him, "If you are
not going to use it, throw it over here!" I lay on my belly and dug a little
trench real fast for myself. When some of the shells came in they made a screeching
noise. We called them "Screaming Memmies." The trees in the area were
only stubs and stumps due to the heavy shelling.
Germans had remote controlled machines about five or six feet long. They carried
two hundred pounds of explosives, which they could detonate at will from a safe
distance. On the sixteenth of February 1944, they made an all out attack, which
was very severe with tanks and hordes of troops. We were completely overwhelmed
and our commander sent word down the line to dismantle our weapons and surrender.
enemy kept some of us right on the front lines to go out and pick up their dead.
We did this mostly at night. We just piled them up like cordwood. Lots of them
had bowel movement when they died, so we didn't enjoy the job. It was during this
time that I suffered from frozen feet. They let us go into a barn or stable in
the daytime to rest and warm up. The door facing the American lines was missing
and at one time I was lying on some straw when a sniper's bullet hit the wall
about three inches above my body. I moved away from that spot in a hurry. Two
of us went out to a pump with a German aid-man to fill a water can and pick up
some wounded, when an American machine gun opened up on us and we hit the dirt.
The aid-man waved his Red Cross flag and they momentarily stopped firing. We managed
to get one German wounded back to the barn and tried to convince them that we
were supposed to be taken to the rear of the danger zone. They promised to take
us to the rear before daylight. I ate the remainder of a K ration. The enemy didn't
make any attempt to feed us. I went through my pack and gas mask and left my home
address in it. I buried a good hunting knife in cow manure so the Germans wouldn't
find it and use it on me.
18, 1944
this day two of us were on the protected side of the building with some Jerries
and watched tracers and artillery go by for some time. An American had just taken
a couple loaves of bread inside when a shell hit the backside and another demolished
a shed about twenty-five feet from us. After aiding the wounded American, two
of us took off to the rear on our own. Simpson and I were together, staying in
the ditch alongside the road as much as possible. About thirty-five other P.O.W.'s
and their guards joined us. A British Spitfire saw us and strafed us as we followed
the ditch. Tracers missed me by about five feet. We
were taken to a building and questioned. We only gave them our name, rank and
serial number. Our officers were separated from us and we walked until about 11:00
PM. We saw Lt. Crane in the evening. We descended into a deep valley and spent
the night in a grape vineyard. Because I could speak a bit of German, one of the
guards took two of us under his blanket with him. It was very cold.
19, 1944
left the valley at about 8:00 AM and walked all day without any food. We were
finally put on trucks that delivered us to a house where we were locked in an
upstairs room and given a quarter of a loaf of bread, a dark heavy rye. The loaves
were about the size of a brick. We slept on straw and were very cramped for space.
20, 1944
got one quarter of a loaf of bread per man and some green tea in our canteen cups
about noon. We were interrogated again and gave them our name, rank and serial
number. They knew our family history and outfit. We left about 8:00 PM and walked
about five kilometers to the "Film Studio," where warm food, etc., was
promised. There was a twelve to fifteen foot high barbed?wire fence with about
an eight-foot space and another outer fence, with wooden guard towers on all four
corners with armed guards. The space between the fences was patrolled with dogs
and armed guards. We signed a book, which was said to be for the Red Cross so
they could contact our loved ones. I
sought out Dale Diefenthaler and went to bed on a little pile of straw in the
"Hollywood of Italy."
21, thru April 30, 1944 |
"Film Studio" February
21, 1944
lights stay on all night in the huge dusty place. There were several pails and
some barrels for about one thousand of us to use for sanitary purposes. By morning
they were usually overflowing. For breakfast we get some kind of tea made from
roasted grain. For lunch we get some kind of real thin soup, cabbage, rutabaga,
macaroni or barley; about 3/4 of a canteen cup. At about four or five PM, we have
a head count and get a loaf of bread for five men. At 5:30 PM, we get another
tea and a spoonful of jam or a piece of cheese. The
time spent here was quite routine and depressing. Most of the time we sat around
and picked lice, which we got from the straw, and talked about food. Our soup
and tea was brought in on a cart in a huge kettle. The German bread was stacked
on the cart like a bunch of stove wood (no wrappers). There wasn't much of a system
for feeding the soup. The Yanks would make one line and the English would make
another. There were always fights breaking out over seconds, if there were any.
When the large kettle was empty, there were always P.O.W.s scraping the bottom
just to get another bit of food. Everybody
traded watches, pens, lighters and anything else for bread or food with the guards.
We were allowed to make little fires outside if we could find twigs or scraps
of wood. We would often toast part of our bread to make it tastier. At night we
would sit and talk about all the wonderful food we were going to have when we
got home. We spent quite a few hours comparing English and American customs. If
you could get on a work detail, cleaning, painting or sawing wood, you got an
extra quarter or fifth of bread or cigarettes. With great satisfaction, I would
often count twelve to sixty bombers carrying out their mission near Rome. It was
during these times that a few P.O.W.s escaped out the gate and hid until dark.
One of the bigger thrills came when dive-bombers dropped some five hundred pounders
about five hundred yards from us. The lights were off for about twenty-four hours
and the water was off almost as long.
the Jerries found out our cooks were eating excessively, we got a new crew. There
was an improvement in our soups and the lines were organized to some extent. I
have painful feet from the cold, which I think were frozen earlier. It was about
this time that I removed the screws from a cold air return and crawled in to see
if this might be an avenue of escape. Dale replaced the grate after I entered,
then we replaced the screws when I returned with bad news. The duct ended in an
occupied boiler room! We constantly got rumors about prisoners who were killed
after they tried to escape. There
were all kinds of allied prisoners here; English, South Africans, Australians,
Serbians, French, India, New Zealanders and Irish. There were frequent shipments
going to other camps. When the Germans needed a work detail somewhere, they would
make a shipment of P.O.W.s to do the job.
the war, I got the black bread recipe that was used. It came from the "Food
Providing Ministry," (top secret) Berlin, 24x1,1941 and the Director in Ministry,
Herr Mansfeld and Herr Moritz: 50% rye grain 20% sliced sugar beets 20%
tree flour (sawdust) 10% minced leaves and straw We
always said it had sawdust in it, and it did, but sure was welcome. March
10, 1944
AM, we had roll call and were searched. Impromptu searches were frequently rendered.
We were given a loaf of bread and a small tin of meat for every three men. All
the Americans were put on trucks to head North. We caught sight of St. Peter's
Cathedral twice, went past the Coliseum, Victor Emmanuel Memorial, statues of
Christ and the Twelve Disciples, and lots of historical ruins in Rome. The convoy
didn't stay together and we met very few German soldiers. Went through Arezzo,
an ex-rail center. The church was about the only complete building left. We arrived
at a transit camp not far from Florence, just before dark.
Camp at laterina
was Laterina. There were barracks here, which contained fifty, three-tiered wooden
bunks. There were twenty barracks. Two twenty-foot high fences with wooden guard
towers surrounded the whole compound. Guards with dogs patrolled the perimeter
outside the fences. There was a wire about eighteen inches off the ground that
was about ten or twelve feet inside the high fence, We were warned that we would
be shot if we stepped over this wire. Two buildings were the latrines. Simple
cement block structures with concrete floors and two rows of eight-inch holes,
with cement footprints on either side, to squat over for sanitary purposes. The
holes were about three feet apart, no privacy and no toilet paper. There were
a couple spigots to fill your canteen. Dale and I were assigned to Hut #7, full
of English and lice. We were searched and given three quarters of a canteen cup
of barley soup and a blanket. We found a corner bunk with straw and fell asleep.
The time spent in this camp was mostly a game of survival. I read the gospel every
day, the Germans allowed me to keep my new testament, and picked lice.
Louis knocks down Max Schmelling June 22,1938 Painting by Dick
Perez |
1, 1944
got up once through the night. The cramps and diarrhea are much better. I got
seconds on coffee this morning. It had some sugar in it. At 7:30 I took a pill
they gave us. They said it was a vitamin tablet. We talked a lot and I read the
Gospel. The rumor about Romania and Hungary came around again. Twenty-four bombers
flew over at about 10:00 AM. We had cabbage leaves and very little barley for
soup. Forty-eight bombers passed over at about 2:30. Max Schmelling [editor's
note:Max Schelling was the World Heavyeight Champion, he defeateaed Joe Louis
in thier first match, but in the rematch in 1938 Joe Louis knocked him out in
the first round after 2 min 40 seconds; this was a big embarrassment to the Nazi
Reich.Although a poster Aryan for the Nazi's, Max Schmelling did help some Jewish
people escape Nazi Germany.] stopped in camp. He wanted to erect a boxing
ring and put on a show. He promised a fantastic meal and drinks to anyone who
would participate. To my knowledge, nobody took him up on the offer. Everyone
was too weak and undernourished to do any activity like that.
2, 1944
kidneys seem to be back to normal again; however, stools are still bloody. I feel
quite good, but am weak. Had the usual roll call and ersatz (substitute) coffee
at 7:00. The church bells of the town on the hill sound real inviting. We had
a short informal worship for all religions this AM. Got cabbage soup for lunch.
Dale was on yard detail, so he shared. I made a toasted sandwich with my rations.
Had pea soup for supper; made seconds. Read the Gospel, lay in the sun and picked
lice. Twenty-four bombers flew over this PM. April
3, 1944
seconds on tea and feel about normal, but hungry. Had some sweet rice at noon.
Ate bread, margarine and jam after soup. Quite a number of prisoners collapsed
at roll call tonight. We talked about lakes and cottages before bed to night.
4, 1944
menu - Coffee, pea soup with strings of meat in it, bread ration plus jam, real
thin barley and peas for supper. April
5, 1944
6:00 AM a shipment of Americans left. Dale left too. We had thick barley soup;
very flat. I counted bread as they unloaded it. About five hundred fifty loaves
so there must be about fifteen hundred prisoners left here. Got a new butter tin.
We have been working on a tunnel. Carry the dirt in our pockets and pants cuffs
and drop it outside. The place is bare ground. We stand around in groups to conceal
our actions and shuffle our feet to mix the dirt into the ground. We went down
about seven feet, then dug towards the fence. It was slow using tin cans and a
hunk of steel to dig with. I think there are too many people involved in this
operation. Washed a handkerchief and fixed my bed (four blankets) and read the
Gospel. Roll call, tea, bread and soup at about 4:30. April
6, 1944
seconds at noon; leaves, barley, macaroni and meat. Very good. Sat in the sun
and picked lice. Some dive- bombers east of here! Same soup for supper. I had
my usual headache. Met an English motorcycle enthusiast. April
7, 1944
roll calls before soup. Jerry took off this PM. Leaves and macaroni for dinner.
April 8,
got new straw, new fleas and lice today. My bed is on the floor in straw. One
killed and two wounded on a break attempt at nightfall. April
9, 1944
had simple services by an English officer. I got seconds on leaves and cauliflower
and macaroni for supper. Got a bit of cheese and butter with the bread ration.
Five men on a loaf.
10, 1944
roll calls in AM. Sunday was quite warm. I built a little fire and boiled my underwear
to kill the lice. We had about an hour's entertainment. The Russians danced and
sang a couple of numbers. English and Americans told jokes and sang. It was okay.
I picked the oats out of the straw and ate them. We get awfully hungry. Today
was some kind of German holiday. April
11, 1944
had simple rites for the P.O.W. who was killed. I guess they buried him in a cemetery
on the hill. I started a cat tail with old wool socks I've been collecting.
12, 1944
had entertainment tonight by twelve New Zealanders who sang, six Russians who
sang and thirteen South Africans who also sang. There were also a couple of American
13, 1944
my hair clipped by a P.O.W. The lice are terrible lately. I washed my shirt in
hot water in my helmet. I did lots of French Knitting the last two days. It passes
time real well. April
of dive-bombers and heavy bombers today. I lost my jam ration to Matthews for
the past two days. I boiled my underwear and socks in my helmet. Also knitted
about eight feet yesterday. April
15, 1944
had entertainment again tonight. Africans (colored) put on a Zulu War Dance and
sang a couple good numbers, The Russians sang a couple good numbers. Dark skinned
New Zealanders put on a War Dance and a couple songs. A Frenchman sang Ava Maria.
Lots of dive-bombers and heavies today. I could hear planes going South through
the night for a time.
I picked
some clover and cooked it, but it was too strong to be good. The bread and jam
seemed extra good today. We have been getting lots of greens and cauliflower of
late. April
17, 1944
a hot shower and was deloused today. (This usually meant he had a soapy shower,
his head was shaved, and his clothes were steamed to try to kill the lice.) Also
got a piece of black Italian soap tonight. Our section seems very unorganized
yet. April
18, 1944
well. I started making a pair of carpet slippers out of burlap and blanket material.
Anti-aircraft guns have been moved into nearby hills. April
19, 1944
slept well, but have terrible hunger pains. Finished the carpet slippers that
I started yesterday. I found a fellow who will trade a needle for some of my bread
ration. We have a new crew that has taken over the kitchen. Now one person is
present at all times to see that all rations are used for the men. It sure is
horrible waiting for food. At times it seems unbearable. April
20, 1944
traded a pair of socks for two needles and a thimble. Worked on other carpet slippers
today. We had a small serving of fish today. It sure was good. My hunger pains
have been especially bad today. Worked on the outside detail this AM, got nothing.
Zollner traded my OD socks today for two bread rations and eight leaves of tobacco.
April 22,
of heavy bomber action today. I got my shipment card yesterday. Underground work
on the tunnel is carried on for twenty-four hours. Bed slats are used to shore-up
the tunnel roof wherever dirt wants to cave in. I traded tobacco for three bread,
three jam and one butter ration. Traded shoes for two oleo (butter), one bread,
two jam and one pair of size eleven or twelve Italian shoes. I found a beautiful
large potato this AM. Gave one ration of bread to - ? -. During the day I ate
three and one half bread rations. (They would use twigs and leaves to fuel
fire and cook in a tin can or helmet) April
23, 1944
traded a field jacket and bread ration for a combat jacket. I had quite a bad
stomach cramp after coffee (too much bread). We had sweet rice for supper. I gave
most of it away. April
24, 1944
about landing are going around lately. I darned a sock. Hundreds of planes went
over. Saw one go down from anti-aircraft fire. The Russians seem to be saying
it is OK.
April 26, 1944
had sweet oatmeal for dinner. I traded a slice of bread for a soup ration for
supper. Made pudding with bread and soup. Obtained several addresses to write
to for stamps after the war. (One of Ray's hobbies was collecting stamps.) Made
oleo and jam trades. April
27, 1944
bad indigestion today. April
28, 1944 (My
notes are not legible). Two parachutes came down from bombers today. Had thin
bean soup. Had simple rites for P.O.W. who was killed by locals after he escaped
last week. April
30, 1944
was discovered last night. We were called out for roll call. The guards came in
with dogs and went directly to the spot beneath the bed where we were excavating.
We were going to surface the following night. Someone squealed. The three who
slept above the hole and hut commander were put in solitary on "special"
rations. Most of us were moved to hut #7. About one hundred fifty old P.O.W.s
came in this morning. I learned to knit straight from an Indian. I took an old
sock toe and watched an Indian for about an hour. Made needles from wire. It is
quite slow. I was moved to hut #1 and now have a bottom bunk. Lost a ration and
half of bread wrapped in a handkerchief and rolled up in a blanket. It was stolen.
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