World War II History Links


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Hyper text history of the second world war
The Hyperwar project

This project (I should live so long!) is to be a collection of material related to the (primarily military) history of the Second World War,

Completely cross-referenced via hypertext links.

WWII a British Focus
World War II A British Focus

A Website out of the UK Focusing on WWII from the British point of view

World War Two history 1939-1945
The World at War, history of WW 1939-1945

An excellently refferenced timeline website

Chemical Corp's pet
Chemical Mortar Battalions

History of the Chemical Mortar Battalions in WWII.

World War II and the Human experience
The Institute on World War II
and the Human Experience

at Florida State University

World War II Stories
World War II Stories

A collection of Veterans stories

Comando Supremo Italy World War Two
Comando Supremo

Entirely dedicated to Italy during WWII

Military history online includes world war II information
Military History Online

A source for information on military history throughout the ages, including gaming and book reviews

Second World War Experience lots of good links to WWII first person stories
The Second World War Experience Center

An extremely informative site with lots of links to first person experiences.

Battery Corporal Willis S. Cole Military Museum
WWI Relics, Memorabilia and Souvenirs


American WWII Orphans Network

The American WWII Orphans Network is an organization of
sons and daughters of Americans killed and missing in World War II.

WWII and Korea
"The most comprehensive and readable WWII and Korean War site on the web."


World War II Tanks and Panzertruper resource
Achtung Panzer!

A website dedicated to the tanks and the people of the Panzertrüper.

Tanks in WWII
Tanks in WWII
A good multi lingual resource from the Czech Republik

worldwar 2 net

A World War II Timeline from 1939 to the end


An excellent source on the German Armed Forces during WWII.

*** ShoeBox Photos of the Berkshires ***

Veterans photos from Bershire County Mass.

World War II History Information
World War II History Information

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

LIFE Advertisements and other WWII reference

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