At the begining of World War
II Bands were still a part of the organization of an infantry division.
Division Head Quarters, each infantry regiment and each Artillery Battalion
had there own Band. During peace time and training they participated in
ceremonies and concerts to entertain the troops. When my father was in
the 71st Infantry Regiment at Fort Dix in 1940 he remembers after an all
day march the band meeting them for the last mile with music. Everyone
picked up the step as the music lifted the spirits.
When the 45th Infantry Division
deployed over seas the bands went with them to War. During 1943 -1944,
changes were made to the organization of the Infantry Division removing
most of the bands. The 189th Field Artillery Band was activated in 1940
with the rest of the division. It participated in the Sicily , Naples-Foggia,
Anzio, and Rome-Arno Campaigns. Before the 45th ID participated in the
invasion of Southern France the 189th FA Band was removed and attached
to the 119th AGF.
loading at Gela, Sicily
APO 45,
In the field
23 August 1943
TO : Warrant Officer (c) ADRIAN H. PRIMO W2100009
1. The Battle for Sicily is very successfully ended. The performance
of the Field Artillery has been outstanding and has drawn extremely
favorable comment from all echelons of the higher command. From
the time of landing on the sandy beaches of southern Sicily to
the final fall of Messina, across hills and mountains, the Artillery
has at all times kept within supporting distance of the Infantry,
notwithstanding the almost impassable terrain encountered. It
has won completely the confidence and extensive praise of the
Infantry it supported.
2. During this campaign you and your band were put to many arduous
tasks. You worked diligently and for long hours as a ship platoon,
doing very heavy and strenuous work. After the landing your band
was organized into a defense platoon for Division Artillery Headquarters.
This required long hours at night, frequently after long marches.
Neither you nor any members of your band ever complained about
any mission or assignment. Your assignments were always done well
and promptly.
Brigadier General, U.S. Army
A. P, 0.
45, U, S. Army
24 March 1944
TO : T/4 Sgt Archie F. Grubb, 37161758, Band, 45th Inf. Division
1. Commendation under
the provisions of AR 600-55, as amended and paragraph 6, Circular
126, NATOUSA, dated 2 July 1943.
2, The Band, 45th infantry
Division Artillery is commended for . outstanding devotion to
duty and meritorious conduct from 29 may 1943 to 24 March 1944.
Boarding the troop transport at the Port of- Embarkation, Newport
News, Virginia on 29 May 1943 with the advance elements of the
45th Infantry Division, the Band acted as ship's platoon and
was charged with loading and securing all Amy supplies and equipment
on the troop transport. From that time until all troops, equipment
and supplies were safely ashore on the beaches of Sicily the
Band continued to act as the ship's platoon. The landing started
during the early hours of 10 July 1943 and. from then until
the . completion of the unloading in the afternoon of 12 July
1943 the Band worked without relief, displaying unusual tenacity
and fortitude and with utter disregard for personal safety,
hunger and fatigue, accomplishing the mission in record time
despite numerous bombing and strafing attacks, Once ashore the
Band functioned as the headquarters defense, platoon from 13
July 1943 : to 24 March 1944. They also assisted in digging
in the command post installations when not engaged in guard
duty. The cheerful manner in which the members of the Band performed
the arduous and hazardous task assigned without complaint has
been an inspiration to the men of this organization.
They participated in
the Salerno landing, Crossing of the Volturno, the battle of
Venafro and the Anzio beachhead operation. During these, operations
T/Sgt. Paul C Waddle, ASN 20830429 was killed by enemy artillery
fire and four kill members of the band wounded while engaged
as the Headquarters defense Platoon. During our Short rest periods
the Band proved to be of inestimable value as a morale factor
playing for the Battalions as often as three concerts daily.
It was an outstanding-Military Band. The courage, efficiency
and unselfish devotion to duty displayed by the 45th Infantry
Division Artillery Band is highly commendable, a tribute to
each member and to Chief warrant Officer Adrian H. Primo, its
C.W.O. Adrian H Primo Band Leader
Harold I Robnett
T/Sgt Paul C. Waddle (Killed In Action)
T/Sgt John C. Lindsey
T/4 Bennie E. Erickson
T/4 Lawrence G. Fordyce
T/4 Archie F. Grubb
T/4Arthur J. Hamilton
T/4 Stanley C. Motush
T/4 Joe L. Skorepa
T/4 Stanley P. Zymslo (Wounded in Action-Evacuated)
T/5 Howard W. Davis
T/5 Garland L. Koontz
T/5 John S. Meredith
T/5 John W. Paris
T/5 James W. Potter
T/5 Charles T. Shelton
T/5 Lavon E. Wise
Pfc Georbe J. Cmolik
Pfc Kurt A. Drevlow
Pfc Ralph A. Franco
Pfc Donald D. Hartle
Pfc Russel P. Helling
Pfc Emil H. Merrifield
Pfc Chester A. Roode
Pfc Wayne E. Shank
Pfc Jack C. Undercoffer
Pfc Anthony Waytekunes
Pfc David White
Pvt Ross Bour
Pvt Irving A. Greene
Pvt Glenn A. Palmer
3. The circumstances
described above are not beyond the devotion to duty expected
of all soldiers in similiar situations. they do not clearly
meet the requirements and definitions for a special award.
But they are clear demonstrations of courage and valor exhibited
by you of such nature that your Commanding General cannot
overlook offering his special commendation. The acts themselves
speak more effectively of your high sense of duty, and your
discharging that duty than I could with words describe them.
You are congratulated on the manner in which you discharged
this duty, and commended for these acts. It indicates that
if the situation should arise requiring the gallantry and
heroism that would Justify a citation, you would have the
courage and spirit to meet it and in the award.
Brigadier General, U. S. Army
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