John Kelly:
Our leader in this endeavor is John Kelly. He has served in every position of the Executive committee and is presently our President. He is one of our founding members and also very active in the Boy Scouts of America. His favorite Line is, "I'm too old for this Shaving cream".





Rob Riley
Rob is now the Vice President of our association. Once he made the mistake of wearing a bowler hat while eating a hamburger, after lots of hard work and effort no one calls our Platoon Sergeant "Whimpy" now! Rob is a member of his local volunteer fire company and works with our 120th Medical Bn. and 700 Ordinance Light Maintenance Company Displays.





Doug Riley:
Doug attended his first Fort Indiantown Gap event January 2008. He is a retired Band director at Northern High School, Dillsburg, PA. He serves as our recruiter par excellence.


John Uhler:
Padre is our Holy Joe. He keeps us reverent as best he can.

Scott Strong:
Scott is our unofficial quartermaster. He keeps us in canvas.

Jeff Batt:
Jeff is our photographer. Many of these photos are used with his permission.

Distinguished Alumni
Dave Cubby:
Dave started as one of our Youth members.





Tom Fenton:
Tom has been a big asset to the group. He took over the Unit Newsletter and did a bang up Job. He presently serves as Secretary Treasurer. Tom has been very possesive lately, all we keep hearing him talk about is "Mine" with his 120th Combat Engineer Display.





Tony Laino:
Tony is one of our old hands. He's a veteran of Civil War and WWII Living History. When you meet him don't forget to ask him about his hats!





Charles Herbert:
Charles Herbert, or "Herbie" as he's called, has been in the 45th since 2003. He portrays a combat medic with the 120th Medical Battalion, and was a real-life Paramedic in Newark, NJ and Eastern PA.





Jonathan Eike:
The original 45th had Bill Mauldin, we have Jon Eike! He's our Long commute from Iowa (Yes he lived in Jersey once upon a time) His specialty is reproduction paper work.





Chris Kelly:
Well if John is the "Old man" then Chris must be the "Young man". He has found his own place in his own right in our group. He is retired Army Major. He now serves the needs of our veterans through his work in the VA.





Guy Dellatorre:
Guy also started out as a Youth member in our Venturing Crew. He was also a Police Explorer.





Mike Chiarella :
Mike is another graduate of our Venture Crew.





Matt McGlamery:
He's come along way since his first event in January 2003, you'd hardly recognize him, now serving in the armed forces.

Nick Serickstad:
A few years and few photos still. Some would say his impresion is in need of polish, we love him anyway!


Tony Garrison:
Tony is our Texas contingent. We don't see him often but it is a pleasure when we do. (he actually brings a camera and takes photos)





Dave Mendleson:
The last of our Police Explorer/Venture Crew members. He has not made a lot of events but he is welcome and has fun when he does.He presently has a great job as a software designer.

Patrick Chandler:


Eric Rieth:
One of the founding members, Eric has served in each of the positions on the executive committee.





Jeremy Bice:
Jeremy is our newest Medic, with Rob taking additional responsibilities and Herbie being Phantom of the Reenactment (EMS and saving real lives takes time)it is good to maintain safety in depth.He's a good fellow and we're glad to have him.




Keith Reinemann:
Keith is the one beter known as sandbag, he got the nickname at the Ike farm. He is the DJ for the delta blues show on FIG radio during the bulge event. font>





Bill Pettigrew:
Bill is our official photographer. I'm only a private, so I don't get to see his photos; as a matter of fact I think the officers pay him so NOBODY, gets to see the photos. Hmmmm....





Kevin Tucker:
Kevin saw his first tactical Fort Indiantown Gap event January 2008. His other interests are playing the drum in a drum line. He is currently serving in the US Navy.





Stephen Mooney:
Stephen tends to be as elusive as Nick. Where as the rest of us seem not to know Jack, Stephen insists that he does...


I certainly don't mean to slight any of our other Living history Participants, but if you want to be included you need to get in front of a camera!















Sicily & Italy Photos
Veterans Now and Then
Gerald Hall Photos
(157th Infantry Regiment)
Veterans Now and Then,
180th Infantry Regiment
Veterans Now and Then, Division Artillery
S. France & Alsace Photos
Veterans Now and Then,
157th Infantry Regiment
Veterans Now and Then,
179th Infantry Regiment
Veterans Now and Then,
645th Tank Destroyers
Gilbert Wailes
A Battery,
160th FA Bn.
Germany Photos
Reenacting Photos