Welcome to our 45th Infantry Division Photo Gallery page honoring Jack Rosendale. The information was submitted by his son Jack, nephew Henry, and nephew Dan. Photos were digitized by Franz Von Paris.

More recent image undated Jack with Henry sr and Dan Rosendale USMC.
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WWIIRA History Department. .
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Jack Rosendale was inducted Jano 30, 1942 at Fort Jackson SC.
Basic training was at Camp Croft. Page3 to 17
He left Camp Croft SC for Fort Devins Mass to join the 45th Co A 179th Inf May 19, 1942. Pages 18-24
Left Ft Devins for Pine Camp NY Oct 42 at this time he joined the message center section. Pages 25-33
In April 43 he participated in Mountain training in Virginia. Page 34
After some leave he was in May 43 he was in Camp Patrick Henry Virginia, in June he left via Newport News to Oran, North Africa. In July they moved to Sicily to participate in the invasion.
In August the Sicilian campaign ended. In September they set sail for the Invasion of Italy at Salerno. Page 38
He was in Benvento in October, Venafro for chistmas 43 Page 39
Moved to Anzio Page 40
Feb 44 sketch of wounded at Anzio. img3528
Sketch of sniper victim at Anzio img3855
Anzio beach head album Page 41 -43
Got some relief in Naples August 44 Page 45
Next on to Nans France Sept 44 Page 46
September and October in Epinal and Girecourt Page 47
November and December at Mulhausen Alsace Page 48 49
Dec 44 Task force Race The beginnings of SIAM Page 50 - 53
January 45 Ingwiller Alsace Page 54
R&R in Corsica. During R&R Jack went AWOL to visit his brother Henry. He got to fly in Henry's plane and shoot his .50 cal. Page 55-57
Henry's Crew photo img 2092
Then a pass to Paris February 45 Page 58 -62
March 45 the final push Page 63 - 67
April 45 photos of Dachau. Page 68
Munich album Page 69 - 77
May 11 45. Dachau Letter to brother Ed SIAM Co.
Made it to London Page 78
On to Lehavre to embark for return to USA Page 79
Return to NYC Page 80 81
June 45 Preston Murphy letter. Img 3715
Return to Camp Kilmer NJ for discharge Page 82
Memory of Jack's Niece Isabelle Blevins
My Uncle Jack,
Uncle Jack had the biggest smile I ever saw. He smiled with every bit of himself, because life itself delighted him. He enjoyed all of the children in our large family and loved to tease and play jokes on us. I asked him once if he was ever sad, and he said , “ Sadness has been part of this poor old world for way too long. “
Those words became poignantly clear to me when I found out he was in the armed forces during WWII. I was studying about it in school, and asked if I could interview him for a class project. He agreed, under one condition that I would never ask again.
He then told me of the horrors of his deployments, and how hard it was to see dear friends die in front of him. Finally he told me about the tragic situation he faced when his group came to Dachau. He cried. I did as well. “ Sadness has been part of this poor old world for way too long.”